OBAMA: Reactions around the world

Use the internet search to find an international message (not from the u.s) related to Obama's being elected President of the U.S.A. and post it here. Translate it to Catalan.
just ain't the same, always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin'
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the love, y'all
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' our wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found
Now ask yourself
Where is the love?
yes we can - si que podem
The great nation of Iran welcomes basic and fair changes in US policies and conducts, especially in the region
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Iranian President
La gran nació de Iraq dona la benvinguda a canvis justos i basics de la policia a tota la ragió.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Iranian President
maria i guille!
I give him my more sincere congratulations and, to my slant, those of the whole French people. His brilliant victory rewards a tireless commitment to serve the North American people.
Li dono els meus més sinceres felicitacions i, a través meu, les de tot el poble francès. La seva brillant victòria recompensa un compromís incansable per a servir al poble nord-americà
America, we are a better country than in the past eight years (...) The Nov. 4 have to say, with 8 enough.
America som un país millor que el dels últims 8 anys. El 4 de novembre tenim que dir, que amb 8 ja ni ha prou.
Why wouldn't Obama be comfortable with a "very white-typical American family"? As I understand it Mr Obama was raised by his very white American mother having been abandoned by his Kenyan father.
What is the British media's agenda in constantly referring to the man as black?
michael ashley-brown, Farnham, England
Perquè no estaria Obama cómode amb “una molt típica família americana blanca”?
Pel que tinc entes va ser criat per la seva molt blanca americana mare havent estat abandonat pel seu pare de Kenia
Quina és l’ordre del dia dels mitjans de comunicacio britanics en constantment la referència a l’home com a negre?
michael asheley-brown, Farnham, England
The messarge are: ''yes we can''=''si, podem''.
these are the two messages that i have foun:
Government leaders of Asia on Wednesday congratulated U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on his presidential election victory and vowed to work with the new Democratic White House after eight years of Republican rule under George W Bush.
Chinese President Hu Jintao sent a message of congratulations to Obama, saying it is in the fundamental interest of the two countries—and that of the rest of the world—that China and the United States have a healthy and stable relationship.
Africa says to Obama:
-Obama represents opportunity in itself because this is a guy that has built an effective ground organization. When he says we are going to make a difference, for the first time in American political history, he has actually got foot soldiers nationwide that can be a part of making that change on a grassroots level, not on an ideological basis. That is a tip of the iceberg of what is possible.
En català:
Obama representa l'oportunitat en si mateix, perquè es tracta d'un tipus que ha construït una eficaç organització terreny. Quan diu que anem a fer una diferència, per primera vegada en la història política d'Amèrica, que ha fet, soldats de a peu té el país que pot ser una part de fer que el canvi en un nivell de base, no sobre una base ideològica. Aquesta és una punta de l'iceberg del que és possible.
Thanks you
Change can happen
En Català:
Gracies (a tu)
el canvi pot passar
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